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con 4造句

"con 4"是什么意思  
  • The implementation in this paper packs 4 cons 4 * 1 consecutive elements from a matrix column into a texel and thus performs a small number of 4 * 4 matrix by 4 * 1 vector products in a shader
    每次从矩阵中取出4个元素放入一个到文理单元的一个元素中, 4 4的小规模矩阵乘法就转变成了4 1的向量乘法。
  • It's difficult to see con 4 in a sentence. 用con 4造句挺难的
如何用con 4造句,用con 4造句con 4 in a sentence, 用con 4造句和con 4的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。